Sunday, October 16, 2011


Robin, Thank you so much for the free Zumba class you taught at church last Wednesday night.  What a fun way to burn calories!!!!

Renaissance Festival

Photo: Ren Fest Emily.JPG
Emily, Student by day and Rennaisance Festival Reenacter on Weekends
Thank you to everyone who helped make our field trip so successful.  We could not have gone with out all of the parents volunteering to drive.  Many parents went above what was expected, providing children with rain gear, drinks, snacks and did what they could to help all of the children in their groups to have a good time and a fantastic learning experience.

Scripture Power!!!

Thank you children for working so hard on our Primary program.  I am so glad our theme this year was "I know the scriptures are true".  I know many of you are reading the scriptures by yourselves and with your families.  I know that you can feel Christ love when you read the scriptures and say your prayers. 

I love having the opportunity to work with all of you.

A Beautiful Couple

Thank you Bealers for being good examples to my children, and for choosing to be clean and pure for your wedding.  My girls look up to you and they felt honored to be able to help serve refreshements at your reception.

Nikki's Musical Achievement

For the last six years, Nikki has been practicing the piano daily.  On school days, since entering high school, that meant typically getting up at 4:11 am to practice before Seminary (a scripture study class).  She has now completed all six levels of the Alfred Piano course and recived this award from her piano teacher.  Note the sticker under the song title, indicating that she has passed off the last song in the very last book. Way to go Nikki!!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Tale of Two Eagles


Mike and Jacob, of Troop 71, received their Eagle Scout awards this week!!!!  They both have had to go through a lot of hardships before achieving this honor.