Friday, April 11, 2014

A to Z Challenge: J is for Job


J is for Job

We live in a difficult time full of uncertainty.  There are so many businesses being closed, companies moving over sea, and people being laid off.

I am so grateful that in the midst of all of the confusion and jumble that I have a regular and steady job.  I am blessed to be able to teach amazing 5th graders math and science.  I love working with children, seeing them learn, grow and change.

I am thankful for my job.

J is for Job.


  1. I love the gratefulness focus you have chosen for your A to Z. What a great way to use this monthlong challenge. And I LOVE the quote at the top of your blog. Keep up the great work!

    1. I never thought of my little blurb as a quote! I guess I am now quotable. Thank you!
