Tuesday, May 6, 2014


My sweet husband surprised me by setting up a home office for grading papers and completing other school work.  Today he added a the greatest touch.  I never realized the value of a good chair.  It can relieve tension, minor aches and pains, and be so soothing a relaxing.   I love the beautiful wood trim, the smell of new leather, and the way it fits my body.  It feels as though it was made just for me.  What a difference a chair can make.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

A to Z Challange: Z is for Zeroable

Z is for Zeroable

Zeroable: able to be omitted from a sentence without any loss of meaning 

Spelling has often been a challenge for me as I get words, letters and numbers scrambled up in my head when reading, writing, speaking, or doing math.  

I am so thankful for synonyms for tricky words and for zeroable words.  It is frustrating to misspell a word so bad that after many attempts, spell check still cannot help me to find the word you were trying to use.  It is a great relief to realize the word was zeroable and could be left out anyways.  I love zeroable words!!!  

I love discovering new words!!! I can't wait to share this one with my students.

A to Z Challenge: Y is for Younker

Y is for Younker

Younkers, or Young ones

I am blessed to be a teacher to amazing 5th graders.  The youth of today are so strong and determined.  They have to be to stand up for fairness, truthfulness and for what is right.  They teach me so much.  Because of my students I have a better understanding of the value of life, hard work, blessings of supportive families, strength in overcoming adversity and a resolve to never give up, never quit.