Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A to Z Challenge, Day 2: B is for Balloons

B is for Balloons

I love balloons.   
Balloons make a normal day feel like a special occasion!

A party feels more complete with balloons.  They add color, they change patterns with light, they make things lighter and happier.

I teach math and science to 5th graders.  When it is a full moon, or something is in the air to cause the classroom to feel crazy and the kids are not listening, or if they are being disrespectful, the whole class changes within seconds of me putting a bag of balloons on my desk.  They wonder it they can earn one by being good, or if they will get one for answering a question.  

When a student gets a balloon, it is amazing how quickly it is put in a desk or a pocket.  It must be hard not to blow them up in class, yet they wait, they don't want anything to happen to their balloons.  The atmosphere becomes magical. 


  1. I found you from the Challenge and just have to follow a fellow Mormon! What an interesting post about how your students treat their balloons. I look forward to visiting you again for more A to Z posts this month.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Your bag post made me smile! What a great idea to deal with your weakness first!

  2. You have my admiration, teaching 5th graders is difficult. The balloon idea is inspired.
